Presenting SPICA AUDIT s.r.o.

SPICA AUDIT s.r.o. is an Auditor and Consulting company, member of the Czech Audito Chamber since 1996. The objective is to provide top quality services in audit, tax advising, financial consulting, controling and organisational consulting.

"It is the money you have not spent in vain that is the money earned the quickest way."



SPICA AUDIT s.r.o. has been oriented to specific client needs and has been providing complete advisory services adjusted to individual requirements of Czech, Slovak and international investors.

SPICA AUDIT s.r.o. has been providing services in the Czech Republic as well as in Slovakia. Due to solid knowledge of the economic and legal environment in both countries the company has been able to provide professional high quality services.


The top level has been guaranteed by direct accountability of certified auditors, tax advisors and financial analyst. Co-operation with further specialist is provided in case of complicated expert opinions in order to guarantee top expert level and unbiased solution of all tasks.